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The Accessible Diagnostic Research Lab

We are committed to innovating and developing

next generation diagnostic tools accessible to everyone

Vision and Goals of the Accessible Diagnostic Research Lab

Diagnosis is a crucial initial step in healthcare, essential for linking patients to appropriate therapies and potential cures. Accurate and early diagnosis is particularly critical for addressing life-threatening diseases such as cancers, infectious diseases, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, most existing diagnostic tools are primarily designed for well-resourced urban centers with centralized diagnostic laboratories. These facilities often require specialized, expensive equipment and highly trained personnel, which can be inaccessible to underserved populations, including those in rural areas or individuals facing economic or physical challenges.

The Accessible Diagnostic Research Lab is committed to addressing these healthcare disparities. Our long-term goal is to develop accessible, user-friendly, fast, and cost-effective diagnostic tools. These innovations will focus on diseases prevalent among marginalized populations, including cancers, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, and neurological disorders, utilizing the latest advances in micro/nanotechnologies, machine learning, synthetic biology, microfluidics, and biomimetics. This approach aims to broaden the availability of crucial diagnostic services, ensuring that vulnerable groups have better access to the healthcare they need.

Latest Publications

Ultrasensitive and long-lasting luminescence cascade sensor for point of care viral pathogen detection" (tracking number nBME-23-3443), Nature Biomedical Engineering, Back for Revision, 2024

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